
100% 鋁窗的防漏水測試 Water-Tightness Test to Windows

所有鋁窗必須100% 全數進行鋁窗試水 
Water-Tightness Test to Windows

Testing Method and Requirements:

Water-Tightness Test to Window
Time :
After window is glazed, conduct water-tightness test as early as practicable before the scaffolding is removed.
(The test can still be feasible after scaffolding is demolished, but it will be more difficult to carry out remedial work if any.)
a) The water shall be applied using a “1/2” nozzle. The nozzle shall be used with a “3/4” garden hose and shall be provided with a control valve and a pressure gauge between the valve and the nozzle. The water flow to the nozzle shall be adjusted to produce water pressure between 30-35 psi (210-240 KPa).

b) Working from the exterior, with the window in a closed position. To spray a continuous jet of water at the specified pressure directly onto the window joints, including joints between window frame & concrete surround, between glass & window frame and around openable window sash. The nozzle shall be moved slowly back and forth at 300 mm perpendicular from the joints and at a rate of 2 m per minute.

c) To start the test from the lowest horizontal joint at the sills, then gradually moving upwards, and lastly the topmost horizontal joint at window head.

d) During water test, the bottom glazing bead of the side hung/top hung window and fix light must be removed or not installed. Should there be any leakage found, all other 3 glazing beads shall be removed for locating the leaking point and further testing.

e) Detail testing method and requirements shall be referred to the specification.
l) To observe the whole water-tightness test from the inside of the flat to check for water leakage / seepage, the test is passed if no water leakage occurs.
g) If water leakage occurs, identify the location for making good, and then repeat for the test.


鋁窗的防漏水測試 Water-Tightness Test to Grouting

所有鋁窗必須100% 全數進行抆泥試水
Water-Tightness Test to Window Grouting

Testing Method and Requirements:

Test to Window Grouting

Time :
Conduct test as early as practicable before the commencement of external wall rendering. (Curtain wall system, internal windows and aluminium louvres shall be exempted from the testing)
Method :
a) To conduct test after window surround grouting has been completely dried and hardened but before waterproof coating application, normally 3 days after grouting.

b) To pour a continuous and unpressurized flow of water by garden hose evenly along the entire length of the grouted joints at a rate of 2 m per minute.

c) To start the test from the lowest horizontal joint at the sills, then upward along window jambs, and lastly the topmost horizontal joint at window head.

d) Detail testing method and requirements shall be referred to the specification.
Inspection :
e) To observe the inner surface of the grout for any water stain or leakage, the test is passed if no water leakage occurs.

f) If water leakage occurs, identify the location for making good, and then repeat from step “b” to “e”.

g) If there is still water leakage after the second test, all grouting has to be hacked off and re-applied for a repeat of the test.

h) The waterproof coating can be applied onto the outside surface of the grouting only after satisfaction of the test result.

1. 抆泥試水:
1.1 時間: 在做外牆批盪前
1.2 方法:  a) 抆泥後隔3日可安排試水
                 b) 用氣壓水壺, 約以每分鐘2米的速度, 直接將水沿著抆泥位置外層射水;
                 c) 試水由窗底開始, 再往兩邊窗側邊, 由上至下, 最後測試窗頂.
1.3 檢查   d) 檢查抆泥的內面有否漏水或水影, 如沒有滲水, 表示抆泥質素沒問題
                 e) 如有, 紀錄位置, 修補後重複步驟 “b” to “d”.
                 f) 如果經過第二次測試仍然滲水, 便要將所有抆泥凿去, 重新抆泥後再做測試.

                 g)  雙方試水滿意後, 才可以讓分判商將防水油塗上外層表面.


Meaning of Appendix, Annex and Attachment


Appendix Annex 書面檔中出現得比較多,而 Attachment 是我們在使用電子郵件時常用到的一個詞

第一,appendix 通常不是一個獨立的檔,依附主體檔而存在
第二,appendix 的作者通常和書的作者是同一人。另一個含義是“闌尾”,人體的一個器官。
The book has detailed appendices and a glossary.
The drawings of the apartment can be found in Appendix 6.

Annex 則是一個完全獨立的檔沒有主要檔的存在,人們也能看懂。多數是由其他人編寫。
可作為名詞也可作為動詞。當為名詞時,是指“檔的附加內容 an addition to a document”,也就是我們通常所說的“附件”;經常使用在科研報告或商業文件中。作為名詞時還有一個含義是表示“附屬建築物,提供更多的空間”
The technical report is over 500 pages including the annexes.
You can find the latest student enrolment figures in the annex of the report.

100% 鋁窗的防漏水測試 Water-Tightness Test to Windows

所有鋁窗必須 100%  全數進行鋁窗試水  Water-Tightness Test to Windows 測試方法和程序     Testing Method and Requirements: Water-Tightness Test to Win...